Stir-Fried Rice with Pork and Mushrooms

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This delicious stir-fried rice with pork and mushrooms is a quick and easy meal that can be prepared in just 30 minutes.

Cooking Equipment:

Wok or Frying Pan; Wooden Spoon; Knife; Chopping Board; Measuring Cups/Spoons

Preparation Time:

10 minutes

Cooking Time:

Total Time:

30 minutes





Stir-Fried Rice, Pork, Mushrooms, Quick Meal


Main Course

Cooking Method:


Dietary Restrictions:

Gluten Free




200g pork mince
1 onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
100g mushrooms, sliced
2 cups cooked white rice
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Cooking Instructions:

Heat the vegetable oil in a large wok or frying pan over medium heat.
Add the pork mince and cook until browned.
Add the onion and garlic and cook for a few minutes until softened.
Add the mushrooms and cook for a few more minutes until softened.
Add the cooked white rice to the pan and stir to combine everything together.
Pour in the soy sauce and sesame oil and stir to combine everything together again.
Cook for a few more minutes until everything is heated through and combined together nicely.


Calories – 500 kcal, Protein – 20g, Fat – 15g, Carbohydrates – 65g

This delicious stir-fried rice with pork and mushrooms is a quick and easy meal that can be prepared in just 30 minutes using simple ingredients like pork mince, onion, garlic, mushrooms, cooked white rice, soy sauce and sesame oil! It’s packed full of flavour and nutrition!



Did You Know?

Yunnan cuisine is known for its diversity and use of herbs and spices, featuring dishes such as Crossing the Bridge Noodles and Steam Pot Chicken